بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
The Darussalam Education Centre building was previously known as The Seven Trees Public House. It was brought with the help of Allah through the efforts of our Trustees, Alhamdulillah.
Darussalam Opened its doors in August 2011. Since, it has expanded its activities, its services as well as the building structure.
As well as being a Masjid (mosque) where prayers are held 5 times a day, the institution is also an Education Centre providing different types of educational programs including for children.
We also hold Jummah (Friday prayers) which men, women and children can attend.

Our Goals and Efforts

DEC aims to be “a service to the community in accordance to the teachings and strict adherence to the Quran and authentic Sunnah”.
We aim to always be available to help the community in our mission of educating them on the Quran and Sunnah.
DEC also holds classes for learning the Arabic language and to learn the meaning of the Quran.
The institution also aims to provide education for the wider community, not just Muslims. The aim is to ensure community cohesion. This has been done before by holding English, Maths and Science classes for KS3 and GCSE students.
The evening Madrasah (Maktab) supplementary school is probably the most important medium of imparting Islamic education to the vast majority of our children these days.
Darussalam Education Centre is a unique Islamic Centre that tackles serious issues such as forced marriages, domestic abuse, drug addiction and antisocial behaviour.
From the humble beginning of a small room, the education centre works to protect children from domestic violence, child abuse, gang culture and unhealthy living.